V007 New York Diary | beyond | DVD
V007 New York Diary | beyond | DVD
美國境內免稅免郵費 五套以上八折優
List Price :  $15.00 / Set
Your Price :  $5.00 / Set In Stock
You Save $10.00 (67%)
Product Content: 1 Documentary Product Format: 2 DVD Product Language: 2 English 1 Chinese
Description: New York Diary| Beyond Documentary DVD about 50 min. : A loving couple wholeheartedly pursued their career and finally achieved success before middle age. The husband becomes an accomplished entrepreneur, and the wife serves as Chief of a Manhattan Library. In their busy life, separation and temptation nearly destroy their family. Their heart and soul gradually wither. They finally ask: “Is such success worth it?” and “What is true success in life?” In this episode, discover how this couple provides a convincing answer.
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W*******u V007 New York Diary | beyond | DVD $5.00 1 12/6/18 2:43 PM Transaction
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